Cross-Cultural Food Conversation
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Janel CurryOK--what is it that I see--what is the fruit, if it is a fruit?
Geraldine MakJanel: these were organic pumpkins that Wallace has grown in our garden.
Geraldine MakWe used the pumpkins to make a sweet soup (Chinese dessert) with ginger, almond and white fungi to serve the fellowship last night. It was great!
Karis RoperPumpkin?! But Pumpkin is ORANGE
Geraldine MakThe picture shows a young one. It turned into orange after a while.
Janel CurryI eat my pumpkins as pie
Geraldine MakIf you come to HK again, I will make y a pumpkin soup.
Karis Roper I sort of like Pumpkin Soup. But I like pie better. How about you come to US and we make you a pumpkin pie!
Pearl TangWhat a farmer!
Janel CurryCan I put thus dialogue on my blog as example of cross cultural food dialogue?
Karis Roperhahaha! You WOULD ask that.
Geraldine MakJanel, u are welcome.
Geraldine MakInclude this comment: Chinese seldom eat pumpkin pie. We like pumpkin soup (salty style with meat) and pumpkin dessert (sweet soup with ginger, almond, white fungi and Rick sugar). In recent years, we have pumpkin dessert in western style too.
Geraldine MakYou can make a pumpkin soup in Chinese style with pork, carrots, corn and almond. Season with salt.